I saw something today that you don’t see everyday. Allow me to begin by explaining: we live an estimated 7 km from Montezuma (this translates to approximately 4 miles. Why America doesn’t use the metric system? I don’t know!). As a result, our walks to Montezuma have become a more routine occurrence which ultimately results in higher endurance, good conversation, and an increasing appreciation for nature’s beauty.
Today, upon entering Montezuma, I noticed something that hadn’t previously called my attention. Near the bus stop lies the local police shelter. Nothing too strange here, right? Well, as an additional compartment to the police shelter rests the Montezuma jail, and there, what "called my attention" was a deranged man behind bars staring at people as they pass. At this time, I began to ask myself, “why”?
Did the police lack appropriate funding to seclude these unhinged individuals? After all, what housed these kind officers was more of a shack than an adequate police station. Additionally, I wondered, is this man placed as an intentional reminder to the public of what happens to those who disturb the peace? or moreover, did he represent the civil repercussions by failing to say no to drugs like those anti-smoking campaign billboards? After all, in Costa Rica, not smoking weed illegally seems to be an impossible task for most people here.
After pondering these things for a bit, an unexpected thought came to my mind..... I realized that I TRULY wanted to take a picture of this man. After all, these uncanny moments don’t come often. The man looked snaggle-toothed, unkept, and mildly crazy, and better yet, he was behind bars! As I wrestled with myself, I couldn’t bring myself to take the picture. Having said that, I wish I could say my reasons for not taking the picture rested on respect and courtesy towards him as a person, but nay... instead I admit, I was weak and too afraid...
In retrospect, I ponder... what’s the worst that could’ve happened? I suppose he could have snarled at me. Who knows? maybe if I had gotten too close, he could have spit as well. Worst case, he could have thrown human excrement because I certainly could not see a toilet within the cell confinement space. Regretfully, I now realize; I would have survived, and I would have a priceless treasure of a picture posted in this blog. Moral of the story, if you ever encounter something invaluable requiring only moderate risk, don’t think...
Just do it!!!!
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